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Travel through the  works of Flavie Leh in her multifaceted universe.

Flavie Leh regularly exhibits her works in Lorraine where she lives, and elsewhere. If you wish to host an exhibition in your gallery, during an event or in a dedicated space, you can contact her, she will be happy to study your proposal.

From her detailed drawings recounting her perception of the world around her to her abstract and emotional paintings, passing through her sensitive portraits and her illuminations revealing her love of ancient techniques, Flavie Leh walks her pencils and brushes according to his sensitivity and the opportunities that arise. 

Sometimes observing with acuity a vast landscape or a tiny busy insect, which she then transcribes with accuracy and realism, or seizing the personality of the subjects of her portraits, she also enjoys a deep introspection from which she returns with colors and materials that she then places on her canvases.

De l'enluminure à l'abstraction...
Portrait Sacha | crayons de couleur
Les jardins de Bar-le-Duc - Printemps 2021 001 (2).jpg
Mésange bleue | crayons de couleur

His works of art are so many round trips between what surrounds him and what inhabits him, and his gallery shows us the wealth of his talents. Flavie Leh does not choose between realism and abstraction, between drawing and painting, between tradition and modernity, but passes from one to the other with ease and sometimes, carried away by this incessant journey, intertwines techniques, styles and eras. in original works.


With a predilection for the living, the soul of things, his great sensitivity allows him to bring out emotions, life and beauty without his art.


Travel too through the various facets of Flavie Leh's artistic work and let yourself be enchanted by its colors and its delicacy. You can also acquire one of his works in the online store .

Enluminure | Bestiaire d'Aberdeen
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